Plan, Self or Agency Managed
Plan, Self or Agency Managed
Plan, Self or Agency Managed
Put our passion to work.
Put our passion to work.
What's the difference between Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination?
A Support Coordinator and a Specialist Support Coordinator are very similar however there are some key differences.
A Specialist Support Coordinator will be funded where there are additional high or complex needs in your situation.
Specialist support coordinators will support you to manage challenges in your support environment which may include health, education, or justice services.
Specialist support coordination aims to reduce barriers to implementing or using your NDIS plan.
We are a Specialist Support Coordinator but we also provide general support coordination.
What's the difference between Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination?
A Support Coordinator and a Specialist Support Coordinator are very similar however there are some key differences.
A Specialist Support Coordinator will be funded where there are additional high or complex needs in your situation.
Specialist support coordinators will support you to manage challenges in your support environment which may include health, education, or justice services.
Specialist support coordination aims to reduce barriers to implementing or using your NDIS plan.
We are a Specialist Support Coordinator but we also provide general support coordination.
Support Coordination & Connections
Put our passion to work.
No matter your dream, we work with you to make it happen.
What do Support Coordinators actually do?
Support Coordination is funded to assist you to build the skills you need to understand, implement, and use your plan so that your hopes and dreams for yourself can be fulfilled. Our support coordinators will work with you to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, live more independently, and be included in your community in the way you would like.
The most recent version of the NDIS Price Guide includes a pretty good definition of the Support Coordinator’s roles:
Connection: assist the Participant to develop knowledge, experience, and connections with the community and broader systems of support.
Support Design: works together with the participant to understand plan funding and its purpose. Support Coordinator will understand the Participant’s confidence and skills and helps participants identify what they want from services. Will develop and design support solutions to meet Participant outcomes.
Establish Supports: assist the Participant to identify and consider support options, and link the Participant to the broader systems of supports. Where practical creates a supports and action plan to facilitate the participant to implement their plan.
Crisis: Assistance to resolve points of crisis and developing capacity and resilience in the Participant's network.
Coach, Refine, Reflect: Coach the Participant through challenges that come up. Helps participants prepare for review and report on achieved Participant outcomes.
Specialist Support Coordination
This is a higher level of support coordination. It is for people whose situations are more complex and who need specialist support. A specialist Support Coordinator will assist you to manage challenges in your support environment and ensuring consistent delivery of service.
Depending on your individual goals, plan objectives, and aspirations you may receive funding for these supports in your plan.
A Support Coordinator and a Specialist Support Coordinator are very similar however there are some key differences.
A Specialist Support Coordinator will be funded where there are additional high or complex needs in your situation.
Specialist support coordinators will support you to manage challenges in your support environment which may include health, education, housing or justice services.
Specialist support coordination aims to reduce barriers to implementing or using your NDIS plan.
We offer all levels of Support Coordination
Whether you have level 2 Support Coordination or Specialist Support Coordination, we will work with you to maximise the possibilities of your NDIS plan.
Our goal is to pull together the best and the most exciting opportunities that our regions have to offer so that our participating members have an amazing smorgasbord of choice in services and supports along with the absolute choice in whom they employ to share their NDIS goals and experiences.
We currently provide Support Coordination in NSW & QLD and would love the opportunity to assist you to have complete choice and control over your NDIS supports.
When you need an NDIS expert;Â
If you need the perfect plan, we are here to assist you.
Take the stress out of the planning process by asking us to work with you on the preparation of a highly detailed NDIS plan or pre-plan before you have your initial planning meeting or your planning review.
We recommend that you watch the video on this page if your plan is for a young person developing their lifelong skills.